07/01/2024 | Methods for Analyzing Carillon Repertoire Diversity Initiatives published in Beiaard- en Klokkencultuur in de Lage Landen
06/05/2024 | announced winner of the ASCAP Foundation Morton Gould Young Composer Award
05/24/2024 | Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains published in Science
4/28/2024 | there is no song released on all streaming platforms
3/20/2024 | Latent evolutionary signatures research paper published in the Journal of the Royal Society: Interface
10/7/2023 | Caravan arrangement published
10/3/2023 | Guest recital at University of Michigan
10/2/2023 | Presentation at University of Michigan Organ Conference: ‘Doing Diversity’ through Repertoire: Local Imaginations of the Global in Three Songbooks for the Carillon
8/13/2023 | recitals in Dayton and Mariemont, OH
7/13/2023 | recital in West Hartford, CT
6/17/2023 | passed audition into membership in the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America
6/3/2023 | received diploma, with great distinction, from the Royal Carillon School “Jef Denyn”
6/3/2023 | nowhere zero flows premiered in Mechelen, BE
5/18/2023 – 5/20/2023 | concert tour of southern France and Switzerland
5/2023 | 3 new pieces featured in Cortex: The Scale Issue
4/30/2023 | Workshop at Europees Muziekfestival voor de Jeugd in Neerpelt, BE: Introduction to Handbells
12/2022 | 2 new pieces featured in Cortex: The Fairytale Forest
10/18/2022 | featured in Attune: Comings and Goings
7/23/2022 | quizzical submitted to the GMTK Game Jam
5/23/2022 | received MA and BA from Yale, summa cum laude, with distinction in the major, and the Abraham Beekman Cox Prize
5/02/2022 | premiere and installation launch for the nature of intelligent life is to destroy itself
4/08/2022 | new arrangement, conducting release — DPops Let’s Play
1/2022 | Awarded Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship
10/29/2021 | new arrangement, conducting release — DPops Back From the Dead
8/28/2021 | don’t do this premiered at Ostrava Days
7/23/2021 | CLICKPLAY premiered at SōSI
6/22/2021 | the medium is the mess premiered at SICPP
6/2/2021 | virtual carillon performance at GCNA/WCF Congress
5/27/2021 | featured in Attune: Shadows in Daylight
5/22/2021 | carillon performance for Yale College commencement
5/14/2021 | ce n’est pas premiered by the Yale Undergraduate Chamber Orchestra
5/10/2021 | new arrangement, conducting release — DPops Spaces Out
4/21/2021 | Yale Daily News profile on All-Nighter Festival
4/9/2021 | the end of words premiered at the All-Nighter Festival
3/1/2021 | awarded a GCNA Franco Performance Prize for four preludes for carillon
2/19/2021 | interview with Tomasz Skweres about don’t do this. for the SONUS Foundation
2/14/2021 | new arrangement, conducting release — DPops Meets the Deadline
1/12/2021 | new works published in the COUNTERCLOCK Arts Collective gallery
12/11/2020 | leaf premiered by the Yale Undergraduate Chamber Orchestra
12/8/2020 | d r o w n published in The Yale Layer
12/1/2020 | score for The Jaguar released on the Attune: Subtle Shifts
10/15/2020 | Flores caídos premieres
9/23/2020 | d r o w n published in The New Journal
5/2020 | received the Joseph Lentilhorn Selden Memorial Award
4/17/2020-7/31/2020 | WALLZ interactive exhibition at the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media
2/17/2020 | Living Pictures premiered in Sprague Hall by the Yale Jazz Ensemble
1/17/2020 | does anyone need water? premiered at the All-Nighter Festival
1/12/2020 | Yale Daily News profile on All-Nighter Festival
10/31/2019 | Yale Daily News profile on Red Line to Union Station
8/31/2019 | Johnny Brook Sits On the Roof premiered in Janáček Hall by the Ostravská Banda
8/31/2019 | Premiere of A Particular Window by Edgars Rubenis, conducted by Michael Gancz
8/6/2019 | Journal premiered at Rhizome in Washington, D.C.
2/5/2019 | Lehmer’s Machine premiered in Sprague Hall by the Yale Jazz Ensemble